Bubbleland Comics was created in 1999. The Idea came from Khaki's and Laurie's "Days of Our Stickfigure Cartoon" which began in that same year. The first Khaki and Oracle book  began as a sketch book and ended up being a 200 page comic book with numerous cartoons. Click here to see the very first Khaki and Oracle Comic. My god it is so crappy what was I thinking?

Q1.Where did the name Khaki and Oracle come from?
A .That  is probally one of the most asked questions. The Answer is simple: Khaki rhymes with Jackie the designer of Khaki and Oracle. Oracle came from creators name Coralee we just messed up the letters in her name.
Q2. Who thought of the devil Chicken?
A. Kristine (the Ghost) had a new nice and clean note book in Math then Corey (the Leprechaun) scribbled in it to tease her, so she made a devil chicken from the scribble and then gave it to Oracle.
Q3. Is there really a Libertad?
A. Yes this is also a commonly asked question even among the cast members. Her name is Amanda and Amanda is not really Khaki's sister. In fact they didn't meet each other until a year after I created Libertad.  Amanda and Khaki  actually have very similar personalities. It was Libertad's Idea to be Khaki's long lost sister (in real Llfe Khaki has an older and a younger brother and an older sister and a nephew.)
Q4. Where did you think of Libertad anyway?
A. It was mostly Libertad's (Amanda's) idea. See it was like this: We were in the same Spanish class and she wondered what the movie "Braveheart" would sound like in Spanish. So we thought of Mel Gibson's line: "FREEDOM!!!!" and translated it into Spanish which would sound something like "LIBERTAD!!!!" hence Libertad was born!
Q5. Where did the idea for Stan the evil Nazi garbageman come from?
A. Actually he was created by Oracle and Ash in one lazy day in Mrs.Fales English class. That day we were trying to give Ash a bit of a background so we thought of an old boyfriend who later went evil that was Stan. Stan was just your typical avarge Garbargeman who got freshly baked cookies from Ash each week when he picked up the garbage. But with the rise of Hitler in Europe Stan became facinated with the beliefs of Nazism and there for became known as Stan the Evil Nazi Garbageman. Ash broke off the relationship soon after and met Leo at the making of the "Man in the Iron Mask" on location set.
Q6. Alright! What's with the Rubber Ducks?!
A. Ok This one reqires quite the odd explaination. Before "Khaki and Oracle" there was "Days of Our Stickfigures" which was a 100 page one story soap oprah comic that was created by Khaki and Laurie a year before Bubblenad Comics Inc was established. One day Khaki created the Oracle for the comic and Oracle's very first line ever was: "When you think of Rubber Duckies think of how crutches help us walk" Now that statement was never suppose to make sence but the Rubber Duckie idea stuck! We then used the Duck for everything!  Even law enforcement! The Rubber Duckie craze was rekindled. (I believe Khaki owns 30 somthing rubber Duckies that are all in her room somewhere. It's all anyone gives her for her birthday or Christmas etc...)
About The Artists
The Almighty Oracle

This is where you can find a little about the people who made and contributed to Khaki and Oracle Comics. Ok guys start typing!   I'm ALMIGHTY!! Why type when I
                                                can zap?
The Almighty Khaki
The Almighty Ash
The Almighty Brady
First The Almighty Beings (also Known as The Creators)
I Invented Khaki and Oracle. I am also the main Artist. I have the power to change and re-write any cartoon Character I want! hahahahaha I love power! But for real I live in Rhode Island like everyone else here except Brady. Ok Khaki you invented them but I write the comics and web page

     (He moved to Florida)
So I will fill in his bio...
I sometimes wright in Khaki and Oracle books. I write mostly about our life and Tim causing trouble. I am a little little man some people say i look like I'm seven Tim always teases me about my height
Ps I LOVE airplanes!!!!
No we are not from outter space! At least I don't think so
Oracle found me in Texas after I fell from my home planet. She took me to Bubbleland and I now live there with the others. Actually I invented both characters, but she made them their own comic.
I joined the cast in the begining of book # 2 and have been co-writer to Oracle ever since. Oracle and I usually join our amazing brain power to come up with the most entertaining plots possible.

I am stupid! Hello!
What, is that not outer space anymore?!?
Khaki's comments:
   I personally would like to thank all the people who contributed and inspired us to produce such crappy great and stupid humerous comics. All you idiots geniuses deserve a kick in the teeth round of applause!!! And if Daria doesn't stop messing up the waste of time website, I'm going to mutilate her.  <gulp>
Oh Khaki Can't you keep your split personalities under control yet? -Oracle
Charcters likeness, Names, Logos and Original Art, belong to Bubbleland Comics. No Comics or characters associated with other companies ie Lucasart, LucasFilm, Dreamworks, or Paramont will NOT be published without authorization. These comics are a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and insidents are products of the creator's imagination. Any resemblence to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. (unless you personally know the Creator's of these comics. Then you are well aware that comics are being made in your likeness.) -Oracle
Bubbleland Comics was created in 1999. The Idea came from Khaki's and Laurie's "Days of Our Stickfigure Cartoon" which began in that same year. The first Khaki and Oracle book  began as a sketch book and ended up being a 200 page comic book with numerous cartoons. Click here to see the very first Khaki and Oracle Comic. My god it is so crappy what was I thinking?

Q1.Where did the name Khaki and Oracle come from?
A .That  is probally one of the most asked questions. The Answer is simple: Khaki rhymes with Jackie the designer of Khaki and Oracle. Oracle came from creators name Coralee we just messed up the letters in her name.
Q2. Who thought of the devil Chicken?
A. Kristine (the Ghost) had a new nice and clean note book in Math then Corey (the Leprechaun) scribbled in it to tease her, so she made a devil chicken from the scribble and then gave it to Oracle.
Q3. Is there really a Libertad?
A. Yes this is also a commonly asked question even among the cast members. Her name is Amanda and Amanda is not really Khaki's sister. In fact they didn't meet each other until a year after I created Libertad.  Amanda and Khaki  actually have very similar personalities. It was Libertad's Idea to be Khaki's long lost sister (in real Llfe Khaki has an older and a younger brother and an older sister and a nephew.)
Q4. Where did you think of Libertad anyway?
A. It was mostly Libertad's (Amanda's) idea. See it was like this: We were in the same Spanish class and she wondered what the movie "Braveheart" would sound like in Spanish. So we thought of Mel Gibson's line: "FREEDOM!!!!" and translated it into Spanish which would sound something like "LIBERTAD!!!!" hence Libertad was born!
Q5. Where did the idea for Stan the evil Nazi garbageman come from?
A. Actually he was created by Oracle and Ash in one lazy day in Mrs.Fales English class. That day we were trying to give Ash a bit of a background so we thought of an old boyfriend who later went evil that was Stan. Stan was just your typical avarge Garbargeman who got freshly baked cookies from Ash each week when he picked up the garbage. But with the rise of Hitler in Europe Stan became facinated with the beliefs of Nazism and there for became known as Stan the Evil Nazi Garbageman. Ash broke off the relationship soon after and met Leo at the making of the "Man in the Iron Mask" on location set.
Q6. Alright! What's with the Rubber Ducks?!
A. Ok This one reqires quite the odd explaination. Before "Khaki and Oracle" there was "Days of Our Stickfigures" which was a 100 page one story soap oprah comic that was created by Khaki and Laurie a year before Bubblenad Comics Inc was established. One day Khaki created the Oracle for the comic and Oracle's very first line ever was: "When you think of Rubber Duckies think of how crutches help us walk" Now that statement was never suppose to make sence but the Rubber Duckie idea stuck! We then used the Duck for everything!  Even law enforcement! The Rubber Duckie craze was rekindled. (I believe Khaki owns 30 somthing rubber Duckies that are all in her room somewhere. It's all anyone gives her for her birthday or Christmas etc...)
The Song you are listening to is: "I'm a Loser" by The Beatles