Why did we become pirates? There are a couple of reasons 1.We don't get paid to be in cartoons 2.We have been hanging around our Friend who is a "mighty pirate"Capt.Gubrush Threepwood. 3. I pirate I was meant to be trim the sails and roam the sea!
Captain's log October 3, 2000 My associote captain/lookout had no sleep last night (Due to a Monster Movie Marathon) she must be watched so she dosn't fall asleep.But besides that our first ship we are going to attack as pirates is the "Vista Jubilee" also Known as the "Bay Queen" we hope our first attck as pirates will be a sucsessful one. -Captain Oracle The Desert Scorpion |
From "Khaki and Orcale's First Voyage". |
Captains Log October 5, 2000 This afternoon I found my associate Captain, Oracle, reading a book called "The Road to El Dorado".She tells me it is a story about two con artists who find the city of gold.This gave me a splendid idea. I have decided to use our time machine (that we have recently installed on the ship), and ask those two men if they want to join our crew. I cannot tell Oracle until we are at the time period of the 16th century. (that way she can't do to much about it) :) -Captain Khaki The Desert Scorpion |
From "Khaki and Oracle Gets a Crew" part one. |
Captain's Log: Date unknown year 1519 (mid February) Well she did it. Khaki went off her rocker and took us through time. I mean what is this? I built that stupid machine! Then Khaki goes and brings us to 16th century Spain! I guess it's kind of nice that I get to meet the characters I've been reading in my book, but still I don't like Khaki messing with the Space Time Continuum. (besides I don't need Q yelling at me again!) -Captain Oracle The Desert Scorpion |
From "Khaki and Oracle Gets a Crew" part two |
Captain's log February of 1519 (exact date still unknown) We dropped off Miguel and Tulio in Mexico (yes they joined our crew) and we headed back to Egypt to pick up Oracle's little sister, Nedra, from school. There isn't a more annoying person in the cosmos, then Oracle's sister. The last time we saw her she made everyone evil (except Ryan who is too evil to be affected by the duck) nice {shudders just by thinking about it} lets hope she dosn't cause too much damage this time. -Captain Khaki The Desert Scorpion |
From "Khaki and Oracle's Next Voyage" |
From "Back to El Dorado part one" |
Captains Log March 12, 1519 Nedra was dropped off at home succsessfully without any major problems. We are now back in El Dorado with and unexpected passenger aboard. While we sailed to Central America to pick up Crewmen Tulio and Miguel, we discovered Jamie The Titanic Whore stranded in a raft looking for "Jack" (who probally drowned a long time ago) As we let her on board she was upset to find out that this was a pirate ship and not a cruise ship (hence no cute guys in speedos). She wasn't the only one upset, Tulio had problems of his own something about a mountain of gold as Miguel tells me. (you have to see the Movie "The Road to El Dorado" to know what I'm talkin' about) -Captain Oracle "The Desert Scorpion" |
From "Back to El Dorado part two" |
Captains log: March 13,1519 Our Crew member Tulio has lost all of his gold during his trip to El Dorado. He seems to be very upset and depressed. Being and ex-con (not ex really) he is used to keeping the gold he wins. on another note I found out how these two con-artists made their living in Spain by a demonstration. I stupidly accepted (I thought it might cheer up Tulio) and with his trusty loaded dice cheated me out of quite a few pieces of eight*. So I chased him around the ship. Captain Khaki "The Desert Scorpion" |
*Pieces of eight: a carribean currency made of Spanish Dubloons cut into 8 pieces commonly used by pirates and priviteers |
From "The Unsinkable Ship is Attacked part one" |
Captains Log: April 12, 1912 After journeying through the Space time Continuuum We landed in 1912. Mission Control has commanded us to attack a cruise ship off the coast of England. When we got there we noticed that no only did the ship look extremly familiar but also it was 100 times bigger then our galleon! When we got closer we noticed it was the "Titanic". When we boarded our friend Ash told us that she asked the coast guard to find professional pirates for the dinner show. Later that day she asked Khaki if she could join our crew. I told her that she should become a CMIT first (Crew Member In Training) Ash agreed and joined our little family but I think she likes managing the "Titanic's" activities better. -Captain Oracle "The Desert Scorpion" |
From "The Unsinkable Ship is attacked part two" |
Captains Log April 20th 1912 After a week Ash discovered that she's not up to the challenge of Historical Reeinactment of Piratocracy (being a Pirate of the past in laymens terms). Later she saw The "Titanic" and joined Leo once again in their humble home. -Captain Khaki "The Desert Scorpion" |
From "Khaki and Oracle's 'Voyage to the Future" |
Captains Log May 2, 1912 The crew has become restless in these desolate waters. Miguel was the one who had the guts to tell me about it first. after thinking long and hard about it I have decided to use the Tepral Disruptor (The Time Machine...) and Bring us fourth in to the discovered yet undiscovered country (The Future you uncultured Dingbat!). -Captain Oracle "The Desert Scorpion" |
This is where you can find the captains logs from the "Desert Scorpion" |
From "Khaki and Oracle's Voyage to the Future" part 2 |
Captains Log Present day We landed in the future. (but since we're here is it the present?,or since we were here before the present is it the past?) We stopped off at McDonalds for something to eat. While Tulio was decideing if he like chocolate shakes or not, Miguel was bouncing off the walls on a sugar high (literally) He Bounced in to Libertad who also had a chocolate shake. Later Miguel had a caffeine headache so we decided it would be best to head to our castle in Bubbleland. At Home Indy was waiting for our return. Oracle got Miguel some asprin. and Tulio was properly introduced to Indy and the TV. -Captain Khaki "The Desert Scorpion" |

From the Personal Logs of Captain Oracle stolen and published exclusivly for this site by Captain Khaki. "My Miguel How do I love thee? Your cornflower hair, forrest green eyes and rippleing pecks, drive me mad! But you will never know how I truly feel, for I am a sea captain and you are my first mate. Maybe someday you will know how I truly feel, and we will be together as we were meant to be." Written by Captain Oracle -published secretly by Captain Khaki "The Desert Scorpion"
The Song you are listening to Is called "A pirate I was meant to be..." |
From "Adventures on the Desert Scorpion: Desert Love" |
Captain's Log Present day: It seems to me that Khaki and her first mate Tulio has been so bored lately that they decided to go skinny dipping. Miguel and I took that advantage and play a little game on the two. Nothing like an old fabricated shark attack to brighten your day! Capatian Oracle "The Desert Scorpion" |